Brian S. Mandell
Mohamed Kamal Senior Lecturer in Negotiation and Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School
Brian S. Mandell is Senior Lecturer in Public Policy, Director of the Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Collaboratory, and Chair of the Wexner Senior Leadership Program. His teaching and research address the theory and practice of negotiation, emphasizing third-party facilitation and consensus building in domestic and international protracted policy disputes. He writes about contentious disputes and is completing a book on scenario planning for conflict managers and negotiation practitioners. Before coming to Harvard, Brian Mandell taught at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University in Ottawa. Previously, he was a strategic analyst for the Canadian Department of National Defense, specializing in UN peacekeeping and the implementation of arms control agreements. A Pew Faculty Fellow, a faculty member at Harvard’s Program on Negotiation (PON) and at the Kennedy School’s Center for Public Leadership (CPL), as well as a Senior Research Associate at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Brian Mandell holds a PhD from the University of Toronto.