Case Set

Civic Engagement Case Set

  • Authors Gaylen W. Moore, Hollie Russon Gilman, Archon Fung, Jorrit de Jong, LaChaun J. Banks

Last Updated


Europe, United States


Residents can help city leaders better understand and solve public problems. Engaging them effectively requires intentional outreach and thoughtful design. This free set of teaching cases helps learners explore a range of pathways for participatory public problem-solving and civic engagement.


This set of teaching cases features different approaches to civic engagement. The learning objectives for which these cases were developed include:

  1. Understand the democratic goals of civic engagement
  2. Ask and answer key design questions for planning engagement efforts
  3. See the breadth of options for civic engagement and make strategic choices
  4. Assess and troubleshoot civic engagement efforts

Cases come with educator guides (suggested session plans for use in academic courses) and practitioner guides (suggested session plans for standalone workshops) as they become available. As a set of curricular materials, this collection of cases lends itself well for courses and training on:

  1. Democratic governance
  2. Capabilities for social problem-solving
  3. Public leadership and management in cities
  4. Social and urban policy
  5. Organizational culture and design


More than a Contract: Black Self-Determination and People’s Assemblies in Jackson, Mississippi

Protagonist: Safiya Omari, Chief of Staff to Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba

Region: United States

Location: Jackson, Mississippi


Operation Pufferfish: Building and Sustaining a Department of Neighborhoods and Citizen Engagement in Lansing, Michigan

Protagonist: DeLisa Fountain, Neighborhood Resource Coordinator, Lansing Department of Neighborhoods and Citizen Engagement

Region: United States

Location: Lansing, Michigan


“Trust the People”: Civic Engagement and Collaborative Imagination in Bologna, Italy

Protagonist: Matteo Lepore, Deputy Mayor for Economic Development and Tourism

Region: Europe

Location: Bologna, Italy


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